
Ten Years After: The Warhol Factory
February 7, 1997

Christopher Makos

Christopher Makos studied architecture and worked as an apprentice with the artist, Man Ray, in Paris . Since the early 1970's, he has developed a unique style of boldly graphic photojournalism.

He is the author of several books including: White Trash (1977) and Warhol: A Personal Photographic Memoir (1988). His works have appeared in magazines such as Rolling Stone and Esquire. He served as a contributing photographer to Warhol's Interview magazine and was a close friend to Andy Warhol.

Presently, Makos maintains an active photography studio in Manhattan and exhibits his photographs, prints, and paintings widely throughout the United States and Europe.

For information about Christopher's more recent  publications and exhibitions, please visit the official Christopher Makos  website

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