


email Audrey Regan

Cecil Touchon - New Mexico

collage by Cecil Touchon


Cecil Touchon's paintings were exhibited in Audart's "Art & Technology Circus". He has received accolades in the press and by art critics, for his modern, often geometrical paintings and collages. His work has been exhibited extensively throughout the United States and in Mexico, in solo and group exhibitions.

Touchon is the founder/director of the International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction and he hosts international exchanges of collage among collage artists. He is also the co-founder of the International Post-Dogmatist Group - an avant-garde artist organization and he is a member of the Massurrealist Society and founder of the La Sociedad Massurrealista de Mexico. His first book of Massurrealist Poetry has recently been published.  He is represented by fine galleries and private dealers in New York, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Santa Fe, Houston and Dallas.

To view Cecil Touchon's recent paintings and collages, as well as his stunning photographs of Paris and Berlin, please visit his recently updated website:

Cecil Touchon's Website

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